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Team Member Spotlight: Khaleel Haji

Meet Khaleel Haji, our newest Content Marketing Specialist! Khaleel has over 4 years of experience in active content creation and SEO copywriting and is a YouTube Partner with 80K+ Subscribers / 15 + Million Views / 250+ Million Impressions. Khaleel Haji, Content Marketing Specialist How do you balance your career at and YouTube?  Balance is tough especially when you try to maintain a schedule with family obligations, working out, cooking, cleaning, having time for relaxing etc. I try to...

Meet Khaleel Haji, our newest Content Marketing Specialist!

Khaleel has over 4 years of experience in active content creation and SEO copywriting and is a YouTube Partner with 80K+ Subscribers / 15 + Million Views / 250+ Million Impressions.

Khaleel Haji, Content Marketing Specialist

How do you balance your career at and YouTube? 

Balance is tough especially when you try to maintain a schedule with family obligations, working out, cooking, cleaning, having time for relaxing etc. I try to keep scripting and editing for YouTube to evenings and weekends though. Now that it’s a hobby and not my full-time job anymore, I have the liberty to make content when I feel inspired and not because I have to. It’s more so a monetized hobby now, which is always nice to have.

What 3 words best describe you? 

Curious, resourceful, and calm.

What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years? 

To always be experimenting. When life is routine and rigid and you aren’t learning anything new then you are just going through the motions, which can be boring.

Learning to allow myself to be a beginner at new things was also a big takeaway for me the last couple of years.

Which one would you want most – flying cars, robot housekeepers, or moon cities? 

Sounds like the Jetsons. Flying cars though, I love speed.

What has been your favourite project at 

I like recording audio and doing anything video-related, so I’d have to say the app video I’m doing for a client right now. The teaser was fun to watch for that one, and the final video with Matias should be great.

Any favourite lines from a movie?

“Are you not entertained?” – Gladiator

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

Joseph-Gordon Levitt.

What’s your favourite short story?

The Egg by Andy Weir – you should check it out. Fragments of a Hologram Rose by William Gibson as a runner-up!

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