If you have never gone to an online marketing seminar, you're probably missing out.
I know what you're thinking...
"Seminars are expensive."
That's true. They are. Some of 'em cost over $5,000. Even the lower-priced conferences can run you around $2,000.
"It's a pain in the butt to attend."
Again, that's fair. To go, you have to get on a plane and fly somewhere and you may have to take time from your work and family to do it.
But, there are at least 3 reasons that you should be attending seminars when you can.
You Are Surrounded By Like-minded People
Scoff if you want, but there's huge POWER in being around folks who are driven to the same goal as you are.
Your friends and family may not really get what you do. They may nod their heads and smile when you start talking about your latest product launch, or that amazing new ad campaign you've been running, but you may be met with some glazed-over eyes.
Well, picture being at a party with a few hundred people who not only know what you do... they do it, too! You'll be amazed at how inspiring that can be.
Seminars and sessions are a great way to immerse yourself into this energy and excitement.
You Meet People Who Inspire And Drive You
I know it sounds flighty. But, when you're downing drinks with someone and sharing strategies back and forth about what's working, you can catch some serious inspiration or even stumble upon a great idea or epiphany.
You may even find yourself wishing you'd brought your laptop so you can start taking action that moment!
And here's a bonus... you exchange phone numbers (yep, remember that thing you used to use before becoming a recluse?) and follow up with each other.
Real, authentic networking can drive you to major success & form meaningful connections.
You Remove Yourself From The Daily Routine
Ever wake up and have trouble getting your engine started? Maybe your engine is functional but sputtering (It only took 5 coffees) but you can't get any traction or speed. You might be in a productivity and efficiency rut created by the same old routine.
It happens all the time. You'll wake up and the day will pass without having done anything truly productive! It can be a sinking feeling.
Now, don't get me wrong. Routines are good. In fact, they're CRITICAL to your success. Humans need routine.
But, it's JUST as important to get OUT of your routine. And going to a seminar does that for you. It makes you leave your boring daily routine behind, if only for a day or two.
Going to a seminar can give your brain (and motivation) the jump-start it needs.
Final Thoughts
There are a lot of benefits to seminars, conferences, and business workshops. Benefits that aren't always clear until you're there, in the hallways, in the bars, at lunch... talking with folks who are doing EXACTLY what you are doing.
It's empowering. It's inspiring. And chances are, once you attend a seminar, you'll be excited to go to another.