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Team Member Spotlight: Jackie Jimenez

We are very excited to announce that our growing team has a new digital strategist! Jackie is an experienced marketing and communications professional with over 7 years of experience generating high-quality leads and nurturing them through the customer journey. Jackie Jimenez, Digital Strategist What drew you to originally? A Digital Strategy Costa Rican Facebook group! I noticed a “tico” (Costa Rican) had posted the job opportunity. At first, I was doubtful about applying because I saw that was...

We are very excited to announce that our growing team has a new digital strategist!

Jackie is an experienced marketing and communications professional with over 7 years of experience generating high-quality leads and nurturing them through the customer journey.

Jackie Jimenez, Digital Strategist

What drew you to originally?

A Digital Strategy Costa Rican Facebook group! I noticed a “tico” (Costa Rican) had posted the job opportunity. At first, I was doubtful about applying because I saw that was in Canada, but then I saw Michael’s interview mentioning how allowed him to have a work/life balance, and I thought: “This is it!”.

I am amazed by how this context has allowed us to remove boundaries when we think of new opportunities, meeting new people, or learning a new skill.

I am now a Costa Rican living in New York working with a company based in Canada!

What have you gained so far from working at

Confidence and passion. There were a lot of changes for all of us in the past months, and I wanted a job where I could express my thoughts without feeling judged or afraid.

At I have found understanding and motivation to bring new ideas to the table every day.

No matter how busy we all are, there is always a moment dedicated to sharing how we are feeling, a fun fact or a childhood memory. The team makes me laugh a lot! I love that!

What is your proudest moment at

My proudest moment so far was creating a proposal for a potential client during my first week at!

It was nice to feel trusted, and supported to present our ideas confidently. The whole process felt natural!

Best vacation you’ve been to?

That’s a tough one! In 2018 my husband Jose and I went to Spain, Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, and Greece. Naxos was my favourite place! A small island (not as touristy as Mykonos) where you could go to the beach and have the most amazing greek yogurt with honey for breakfast!

How do you define success?

Going to bed feeling amazed by something that happened, grateful about having good health, people to care about that truly care about you, and having the peace of mind of knowing you did your best combined with a safe roof and yummy food!

Three words to best describe you:

Empathetic, joyful and committed.

What is an ability you wish you had?

To learn a language in a couple of days! Languages open the door to so many valuable experiences and relationships!

When has life proved you wrong?

When I found my cat Lua! I was always afraid of cats because I thought they were dark unpredictable creatures! Now I cannot imagine my life without her! She is a very smart and spoiled “tica” living in New York!


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